Special One-time-only Offer
Want to Jump Start Your Healing Practice?

Upgrade Your Experience with Our Spiritual Business Mentorship!

Join My Exclusive Spiritual Business Mastermind Today

Enroll Today for Just $66

(x6 Monthly Payment of $66)

“The SBM Program has been an eye opener for me.

Since Ashley opened the door to this amazing journey, I’ve had more customers, more sales, more consistent branding and more JOY! Joy because I have a mentor who’s been there every step of the way whenever I need her, and because I’ve been able to help more people!

Developing a business is not easy, even more so if it’s a sacred one as we tend to minimise the impact we have and our value. What has been most beneficial for me are the live calls with Ashley where we discussed how to set up a pricing structure, creating and getting feedback on my business emails and managing Instagram… I feel blessed and full of gratitude for the Love & Light School and the SBM Program.

The program is really robust and I don’t feel alone in the process of working towards my dreams. From the bottom of my heart and soul, THANK YOU ASHLEY <3

– Samady Medina, SBM Member

“I have found the SBM Program to be an incredible journey.

Ashley is very well educated in this area and she is able to deliver information beautifully. She has a wealth of knowledge and her resources are phenomenal — very very good, and it was very well worth it for me.

I started off a little hesitant, I wasn’t sure if this is for me, but I was able to get so much from what Ashley introduced and exposed me to.


One of the things I found most helpful was when Ashley talked about who your ideal customer is… that to me was very important. I love the interaction with the other members. <3

– Mizana Munir, SBM Member

Get all the help & support you need to create a Thriving sacred business of your own

Get mentorship from someone who’s been in your shoes and can guide you on your business journey

Learn to trust your inner guidance & allow your heart to be your compass while building your business 

Master Marketing with heart by learning ethical and authentic marketing strategies that work

Leverage the Law of Attraction to manifest what you need & learn space clearing techniques

Learn practical steps & solutions to overcome your blocks to success – your dream business awaits!

Enroll Today for Just $66

(x6 Monthly Payment of $66)

The SBM Program will help you:

  • Discover your business mission and confidently communicate with your customers
  • Systematize your business to be more productive & have MORE TIME in your day
  • Develop a gratitude mindset so you can overcome fear & feelings of competition
  • Tailor your marketing message to communicate your values to your dream clients
  • Showcase your business vision & share it with the world – right from the heart
  • Educate your clients about your services to keep them coming back again and again
  • Shift your money mindset & start accepting abundance from the Universe
  • Schedule self-care time into your work week so you stay balanced & don’t burn out

Hear From More Spiritual Business Bootcamp Program Graduates

Got Clarity & Created More Success in Her Sacred Business
Finally Found the Healing & Business Training She Had Been Searching For

What’s Included

12 Sacred Business Building Classes

Your Sacred Business Vision

Planning Your Sacred Business

Your Sacred Offerings (Products & Services)

Creating Your Community of Customers

Business Growth Mindset

Sacred Abundance (Money & Finance)

Sacred Business Start Up

Business Systems & Operations

Self-Care (Lifestyle Tips For Sacred Business Owners)

Heart-Centered Marketing

Your Online Presence

Networking & Sacred Partnerships

PLUS ongoing monthly mentorship calls with Ashley!

The Spiritual Business Bootcamp is a safe space to share and be heard about your struggles or challenges in your business… but more than that, it’s a place where you’ll receive transformative solutions to overcome these obstacles.

This isn’t just about making your business look good on the outside (through social media alone, like in similar programs). It’s about helping more people and sharing your gifts with the world. Because – while business certainly has an online component – I know from experience that real-life connections are the true key to your success as a Sacred Business Owner.

“I loved taking the SBM course… If you haven’t taken it yet — DO IT!

I’ve taken many other business and marketing courses in the past couple of years, spending thousands of dollars that got me nowhere. A spiritual based business is very different from traditional entrepreneurship. Ashley and the SBM course will help you find your business mojo! <3

– Marilyn Caylor – SBM Member

These tested tips can be used by any heart-centered entrepreneur or spiritual-based business owner, including:

Crystal Healers and Energy Workers

Massage Therapists

Meditation Teachers

Yoga Instructors

Reiki Practitioners

Psychics and Mediums

Tarot Readers

Aromatherapists and Sound Healers

Wellness Coaches

Crystal Sellers

Jewelry Artists

And More!

The Spiritual Business Bootcamp will give you powerful strategies for your business… whether you’re just starting your business or you’re transforming it into one that’s more successful!

Student Case Studies

Change Your Life & Find New Opportunities

“Thank you so much for everything!! Finding Love & Light truly has changed my life. It has amped up my energy work in ways I never thought it could! I have learned so much, and it makes energy healing just that much more exciting. I’m being presented with opportunities to heal others in ways I didn’t think I could, and had they come to me before taking the classes I would have never been confident enough to take them on. So thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Kara McIvor The Healer’s Spot

Get Client Referrals for Your Spiritual Business

“After I received my certification, I jumped right in. I have workshops scheduled at local wellness centers and crystal shops to get new clients. And I have been getting great referrals from friends and family for whom I gifted healing sessions. This has been a fabulous addition to my spiritually-based business!

Li Saul INcentralism

Are you ready?
Yes, you are.
Get Your Limited Time
Special Offer Now
Add my Sacred Business Mastermind today for only $66 (x6 Monthly Payment of $66)