SBM Office Hours 2024
2024 SBM Office Hour Calls
Below are the 2024 SBM Program Office Hour Calls available for your viewing! These recordings expand a great deal on the teachings that were presented in class and will vastly add to your sacred business knowledge.
You should start by downloading the materials from this page (then you’ll have them forever and you can view them offline). Downloading the video and watching it offline is often a good solution for those with slower internet speeds as it allows you to play the video without any playback interruptions caused by a slow connection.
Access the Live Call Schedule HERE!
Note: To watch any of the videos in Closed Caption, click the cc icon.
January Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- Ashley’s Daily Planner
- Book Recommendation: Dow One Thing Every Day to Change the World
- Tracking daily sales pen to paper
- Rocket book fusion is a reusable notebook, you can upload pages with your phone to your drive and can get colored pens and markers.
- I’ve been working away on creating PDFs to sell online; I’ve just finished creating one for self-love. I was wondering if you could look through it and let me know what you think?
- I know I need help and direction on creating a disclaimer and copy writing page.
- Valentines Day Advent Calendar overview
February Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- Trends at the Tuscon Gem Show
- Two types of Customers
- Towers & Generators
- Focus on unique mineral specimens
- Raw and rare pieces
- Best Selling Trends
- Specialty Items
- Difference from last year in Moldavite
- Collectible prices
- Stretchy bracelets
- Increase in lab grown quartz and man made versions
- Packing and shipping vs. packing and flying
- Upcoming Blog Post
March Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- Can we review how to import email list into MailChimp?
- Are reels a good way to show a practice, product use, or how to video? Thinking mainly for Facebook platform.
- Since I don’t have much exposure to IG, if there’s anything you do for the business side for posting and such that would be helpful as well.
- Want to know good wholesale company for crystal rings and pendants?
- What are your thoughts on starting a healing practice without having an LLC in place? I’ve done some work as a part-time practitioner, but as a sole proprietor (with liability insurance). I am restarting my business after having a break. Do you think it’s totally necessary to establish an LLC at the beginning, or could I wait until I have made a certain amount of income?
- Where do you find the SBM Assignments from the Challenge last year on the student portal?
- Are you going to be doing another European trip/retreat?
April Office Hours Call
No links this month
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- Wondering if anyone uses AI and if so, in what form. So much buzz, but I’ve found inaccurate information in a number of products by coaches in their courses and downloadable products.
- AI seems to be on a lot of platforms know, Mailchimp and Shopify for example.
- AI generated course content
- Ashley’s recommendation for how to generate ideas for a new course or course content.
- I’m trying to get back in the swing of things and I feel as I’ve really been disconnected from my crystals and study, especially over the last year. Good news is I have now closed the shop as my lease was up so I have time to figure out what I’m doing.
- I want to retake CCH and ACP and start back at SBM lesson 1.
- I have just been making time for listening to your podcasts, listening to the new and going back to the beginning to catch them all.
- I mourned all my crystals that were stolen in 2020 when my RV we live in were found, the crystals were missing. Just now ready to work with crystals again.
- I’m very slow paced, I think a spiritual business shouldn’t be busy, but intentional and personal.
May Office Hours Call
No links this month
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- I just sold an item via my eBay store last night. It’s a lapis chip bracelet for $5 AUD. But now I’m concerned the lapis bracelet is Dyed and I don’t mention it in the add. What is the best way to handle the matter? Do I refund the customer, explain its dyed and then offer 10% off the other items? I’m so new and it’s the first eBay item to sell.
- What is a WIX store?
- How to handle if an item is broken during shipment to ensure your cost is covered?
- Is there anything I can refer to price my products well as I am unsure how to mark up from wholesale?
- I have had the thought to create customized/personalized items for clients I’m working with, like a grid, and so I’d love to connect with wholesalers but wasn’t sure if I’m not selling if that’s okay to do.
- I’m currently going through the CCH course right now, so was waiting to start SBM. Should I go ahead and start now so I can start planning my business?
- Starting a social media page vs. a website.
- Do you need special documentation (business license) when you purchase in person out of state, like from vendors or at gem shows? Do they all tend to offer wholesale pricing?
- If you sell your own personal collection of crystals, do you have to pay taxes on the sale?
June Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- I would like your input on what copy content to change on my website and on the rock properties for the crystal rollers I sell. I don’t know much about the metaphysical property benefits.
- It’s hard finding quality suppliers, do you have recommendations?
July Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- Looking at changes in the economic environment
- Changes made to Mimosa; re-envisioning the concept to create a desired change
- Can you walk through your process for crystal live sales? ie. how many crystals you would do per sale, selecting what to sell, giveaways, etc.
- If they don’t pay for their items do they still get the door prize?
- Is there a special shipping app you prefer?
AUGUST Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- What I learned when doing a collaboration for a free giveaway on an IG promotional post
- Putting yourself out there when it comes to social media
- Etsy Shop Set Up series recap
- Competition with other online shops
- Live Sale platforms
- Sharing on social media – ie. stories or posts about the Etsy shop
- Taking pictures with your phone of inventory to post online
- Posting pricing for online products
- Promotional posts on IG and how that impacts engagement
- Engagement scores for holistic wellness community vs. other industries
September Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- You mentioned on a previous call that you have a wholesale supplier listings somewhere. How might I find that please?
- I’m assuming that you need some kind of business license for the wholesale prices?
- As I go through the program, are there more updated resource links for distributors and affiliates, Pinterest, and LinkedIn?
- Can you explain the difference between distributorships and affiliates?
- Pros and cons of using a drop shipper?
October Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- Trends at the Denver Gem Show – Seasonal Items for Samhain or the Holidays
- People are looking for good quality at good prices, $10-30 dollar range for a pretty nice quality that feels substantial without spending a ton of money.
- Advent Calendar – it’s an investment to create for you as well as an investment from the customer to pay for all the work you put into it. Also need to plan in advance to get it out for the holidays.
- If doing 12 days of Christmas can include something extra special like a Spotify song or playlist for the day. Or sending a private unlisted YouTube video with a qr code just for those folks. Something other than a physical product, but a digital item to create a digital experience.
- Could partner up with other businesses, 21 days to winter solstice or 25 days of Christmas, maybe get together with 2 other people and each come up with 7 things and all collectively set up a virtual advent calendar to share.
- What would be some crystals that we should look at that are cost effective but not something everyone has.
- I would love some ideas around packaging, boxes, etc.
- Stocking fillers for kids?
- Can crystal chips go into slime or putty that is safe?
- Are there old SBM calls on creating a membership? I’m looking to start one but I have no idea how to do the payment plan part, is that just on my host site?
November Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- Would like to talk about starting a membership option, so maybe look at platforms, how to set up, things to consider, etc.
- Types of membership examples: subscription box, monthly crystal grid, or digital products like guided meditations, etc.
- I love the membership idea, but I have no idea how the payments would work and the monthly emails alone feel like a lot to plan.
- Maybe a quarterly membership might be a little easier than a monthly?
- The payment plan is where I get so confused, I was thinking of offering a discount and bonus for a 1 time payment, or offer quarterly payments, but it’s a lot to figure out.
December Office Hours Call
No links shared on this month’s call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- Ashley may be hosting in-person classes with Nicholas Pearson in Madison, Wisconsin! Be on the lookout for an announcement if the possibility becomes a reality!
- Walk and talk around the Mimosa store, showing how items are grouped and displayed, current items in stock.
- Ashley described how she wanted the Mimosa space to feel, what that feeling looked like to her, and how she worked to invoke that feeling into the shop. <3
- I have been thinking of doing a mini-learning lesson about how crystals can help with holiday emotions. I keep getting hung up on how not to have it sound copied or same old. Do you have any suggestions?
- Recommendation: talk about your services this holiday season as gifts.
- I love the idea of bringing in the season of slowing down and how it is opposite of what we are trying to do this time of year.
- Do you charge a lot for your therapy?
- The shadow work class has been in the background as well, it’s such a deep and intense class. I recommend it to everyone. You will know yourself so much better, I continue to learn even though I’m 68. Thanks for doing that class!
- Crystals for your Soul Path sounds like a near class.
- Ashley’s plans to give away for the Holiday with homemade gift ideas
- How Taper candles are made.