Autumn Equinox Kit - Digital Download - Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy Courses

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Tap into the ancient wisdom of crystal healing and harness the transformative energy of Mabon with our Autumn Equinox Kit!

Prepare to embark on a remarkable crystal journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth as you immerse yourself in the energy of the Autumn Equinox.

Embrace the ancient Magic of the Autumn Equinox with our Exclusive Digital Download Kit!

Autumn Equinox Kit - Mabon

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting energy of the harvest, connect with the energies of light and dark, and embrace the energy of your crystals? This unique kit is designed to help you do just that, bringing you closer to the essence of the Autumn Equinox and its profound significance. Our Autumn Equinox Kit Digital Download is your key to unlocking the magic of crystal healing during this holiday so that you can have a profound healing experience that will ignite your soul and elevate your practice to new heights. Packed with expert knowledge and beautifully curated resources, this kit will guide you through an enlightening journey that will enhance your spiritual practice like never before.

Autumn Equinox Kit Mockup - Mabon
Our Autumn Equinox Kit Digital Download is thoughtfully designed to empower you to:
  • Embrace the Harvest: Discover how to align yourself with the cycles of nature and harness the energy of abundance and prosperity that the harvest season brings.
  • Deepen Your Intuition: Unlock the secrets of crystal healing to enhance your intuition and inner knowing, guiding you toward making empowering life decisions.
  • Connect with Soul Purpose: Immerse yourself in transformative ritual and meditation that will help you gain clarity about your soul’s purpose and align your path with divine guidance.

The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, is a festival that celebrates the main harvest of the year. On this day when the daylight and night are equal and the earth’s abundance surrounds us, it’s the perfect time to honor the cycle of life and tap into the transformative energies of this magical season.

Discover the Power of Crystals for Autumn Equinox Healing & Magic! This comprehensive, digital kit includes:
  • Autumn Equinox Guidebook: Delve deep into the world of crystals and energies for the Autumn Equinox with our comprehensive guidebook. Explore the properties and energies of carefully selected crystals specifically chosen for their affinity with Mabon. Learn how to work with these crystals to harness their transformative power and manifest your intentions. This guidebook also includes helpful correspondences tailored for Autumn Equinox including herbs, crystals, deities, colors, and more! From altar-building to spellwork, or even for performing your own Autumn Equinox rituals, you’ll discover meaningful practices that will deepen your spiritual connection and empower your intentions. From honoring the earth’s abundance to setting intentions for your personal growth, these correspondences will deepen your spiritual connection and enrich your soul.
  • Guided Meditation for the Autumn Equinox: Immerse yourself in the mystical energy of Mabon with our enchanting, downloadable guided meditation. This audio track has been expertly crafted to help you connect with the energy of the Harvest and the rhythms of nature, awaken your connection to nature, and invite wisdom and love into your life. Connect with the energy of the harvest and manifest your intentions for a bountiful and purposeful life.
  • Autumn Equinox Card Spread: Elevate your self-reflection and personal growth with our carefully crafted Autumn Equinox card spread. Dive into this thought-provoking exercise that encourages self-discovery, reflection, and the alignment of your desires with the vibrant energy of the autumn apple slice. Use your favorite Tarot or Oracle card deck along with our step-by-step card spread instructions and interpretation guide for valuable insight!
  • Autumn Equinox Crystal Grid Recipe & Template: Unleash the full potential of your crystal healing practice with the included Autumn Equinox crystal grid template. This beautifully designed, printable template will help you create a powerful crystal grid to amplify the energy of your intentions and manifest your dreams with focused intent at this potent time for magic!

Our digital Autumn Equinox Kit is the ultimate tool for those seeking to deepen their connection with the abundance of the Harvest and harness the transformative power of crystals. Step into the enchanting world of Mabon and embrace the transformative power of crystal healing. Whether you’re new to crystal healing or an experienced practitioner, this kit offers a wealth of knowledge and resources to elevate your spiritual practice.


Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Embrace the magic of crystal healing and experience the profound effects of harnessing the energy of the Autumn Equinox! Don’t miss this opportunity to dive deep into the magic of Mabon and harness the energy and wisdom it brings. Get your Autumn Equinox Kit Digital Download now and unlock the gateway to a life filled with purpose, prosperity, and profound spiritual growth.

Embrace Mabon Magic and Transform Your Life with Crystal Energy!


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