SBM Office Hours 2025
2025 SBM Office Hour Calls
Below are the 2025 SBM Program Office Hour Calls available for your viewing! These recordings expand a great deal on the teachings that were presented in class and will vastly add to your sacred business knowledge.
You should start by downloading the materials from this page (then you’ll have them forever and you can view them offline). Downloading the video and watching it offline is often a good solution for those with slower internet speeds as it allows you to play the video without any playback interruptions caused by a slow connection.
Access the Live Call Schedule HERE!
Note: To watch any of the videos in Closed Caption, click the cc icon.
January Office Hours Call
Amy Cesari printed materials including 2025 color planner on Amazon
Crystal Healer’s Datebook by Ashley Leavy
Compliance Solutions for Websites, Apps and Organizations | iubenda
Cookie Policy of Chykalophia Group, LLC
Privacy Policy of Chykalophia Group, LLC
Manage account-level permissions for partnership ads in the Instagram app | Instagram Help Center
Mimosa Live Crystal Sale Calendar and Zoom Registration Links
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- Amy Cesari Quote – “You don’t have to plan ahead; the magic happens one step at a time” …
- Tucson Gem Show coming up, how to prepare to get things into awareness of what to look for.
- I am struggling with disclaimer wording, how many disclaimers are needed, etc. Any suggestions and input would be appreciated. Especially on social platforms, where is it best to be displayed?
- Any additional info you can provide on Terms and conditions and privacy policy?
- Web developer recommendation for cookie and privacy policy – will ask what things are integrated into your website, what social channels, etc.
- Cookie and privacy policy examples from a web developer
- • Ashley discusses her decision to disconnect the website connections as much as possible with social platforms like Meta (IG and FB); delete history, remove tracking, won’t be running ads like FB advertising and boosting posts, etc. and why.
- How to turn off marketing permissions.
- Sometimes it’s hard to “get over” a customer being rude or impatient when not receiving an immediate reply. Do you have any advice on letting go or how to handle those instances?
February Office Hours Call
Topics, Comments, and Questions:
- You asked a question on Instagram recently about whether as crystal healers we are accepted by others / comfortable talking about our crystal healing work, and I saw that 95% of respondents said no (including me). Would be great if we could talk a little bit about that and how to manage / respond to it.
- I need a better elevator speech. I tried to explain crystal healing to my book club and it went horribly judgmental and “woo woo”
- I was wondering about placement of crystals on clients for the more sensitive/private areas such as 1st chakra – do you ever use a blanket or something over the client to make it more comfortable and perhaps less triggering if they have had trauma etc. (I haven’t had any clients yet so haven’t actually worked with someone yet, but it was something I was wondering about).
- What are things you recommend to overcome the fear of getting out of the spiritual closet and actually put yourself out there?